Closing the Gap: How Do We Make the Voice of Every Online AA Group Count? (02-08-25)

Get into Action (GIA) organized a sharing session titled Closing the Gap: How Do We Make the Voice of Every Online AA Group Count? This specific topic will be addressed in a workshop at the upcoming 2025 General Service Conference in April (2024 Final Conference Report, page 36). 

Recognizing the challenges online groups face in making their voices heard among the Conference members, our intention for the session was to provide a platform for online groups to share their thoughts and suggestions on closing the communication gap. 

During the session, we heard the perspectives of online groups, along with insights they wished to have conveyed to the Conference. Participants discussed the challenges faced by online groups in engaging in service activities, underscored the need for improved representation and involvement in the General Service Conference, and stressed the importance of accessibility for these groups.

More information coming soon!

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I am responsible...

When anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help,

I want the hand of A.A. always to be there.

And for that: I am responsible.