Our Groups' Primary Purpose: Carrying the Message (09-28-24)
Workshop participants gained insights into how online groups can integrate into and enlarge the work of the 12th Step standing committees in the US/Canada General Service Structure. The group 12th Step service structure that appears on page 19 of the pamphlet, The AA Group: Where It All Begins gave the framework to urge groups to create and join 12th Step work online. The National Working Group for Public Information (PI) and Cooperation with the Professional Community Committees(CPC) provided a wealth of public health information on the widespread need to carry the message. Various online group service committees shared their experience and invited all to join in their work: a Senior Outreach Project, the Helping Unite Sick, Shut-in, Hospitalized and Home-bound (HUSSHH) Committee, and Bridging the Gap (BTG).
The discussions underscored the critical role of public outreach in enhancing the AA message of recovery and reducing the stigma associated with alcoholism. A significant portion of the dialogue focused on the importance of reaching out to alcoholics who are still in need of support and the urgent requirement for resources that overcome a wide variety of accessibility barriers.
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View the GIA Fact Sheet
Presentations (PDF & Audio)
Topic 1. Online Group Structure
Presented by Jeff B. / GIA Committee Member
Topic 2. How Does it Work: How are Alcoholics Reached?
Presented by Tim C. / National P.I. & C.P.C. Working Group & List of Resources
Topic 3. Into Action: Examples of Committees that Carry the Message
Senior Outreach - Gayle F. / PI/CPC Chair for District 20, Area 48 (Presented by Jane G.)
HUSSH Committee - Rich M. /South Eastern Pennsylvania Intergroup (SEPIA) Archivist
Bridging the Gap Virtually - Danielle / BTG Chair for District 25, Area 72
The Right of Participation for Online Groups (06-22-24)
The Town Hall meeting was highly informative, focusing on the the importance of online groups being involved at every level in the general service structure. Topics covered included the representation of a delegate area for online groups, how we handle A.A. members voting in multiple home groups, the right of participation for online groups in terms of accessibility, communication within the service structure, and the continued relevance and effectiveness of A.A. in today's digital world.
View the Agenda
View the GIA Fact Sheet
View the Transcript
View the Parking Lot Summary
1. What are the Benefits of Registering with GSO and How Do You Register?
Presented by Don N. / Area 72, Panel 73, Registrar
Register a New Group - Fillable form to list your group with the U.S./Canada General Service Office (GSO).
Group Change Form - Fillable form to update your group’s information (GSR name, group name, district, location, etc.) with the U.S./Canada General Service Office (GSO).
Is Your Group Linked to AA as a Whole? - Service Material from GSO.
2. How Do We Strengthen the Relationship Between Online Groups and GSO?
Presented by Monica F. / Past Delegate Area 19
AA Service Manual - Combined with the 12 Concepts for World Service.
The A.A. Group...Where It All Begins - Informational pamphlet from AAWS describing how groups work, how a new group can be started, and how each group can be linked to A.A. as a whole.
Your A.A. General Service Office - Illustrated pamphlet from AAWS outlining the services that the GSO. provides for the A.A. Fellowship.
A.A. Group Handbook - Links to a wealth of information for GSRs and their groups.
3. What are the Barriers to Online Group Participation at Each Level of the Service Structure?
Presented by Trish L., Past Trustee and Former Chair of the Progress of Online Groups
4. How are our Three Legacies transmitted in Online Meetings? (audio presentation below)
Presented by Maysha Z., DCM District 18 (Area 11)
2024 GSC Report Back for Online AA Groups (06-01-24)
Thank you for joining us to hear the report back from the two delegates on the 74th General Service Conference. This event was intended for all online AA groups concerned about not having a voice or vote in the future of AA.
View the Agenda
View the GIA Fact Sheet
View the Transcript
Download the 74th GSC Advisory Actions
Download the 74th GSC Additional Considerations
Rebecca H., Delegate, P73, EAMO, Area 38 Slides and Audio Below
Corey D., Delegate, P74, Kentucky, Area 26 Slides and Audio Below
Modem to Modem: Continuing AA’s Vision for You (02-24-24)
View the Agenda
Speakers shared on these topics
Has the way we communicate at the Group, District, Area and general Service board levels changed since the migration to online in 2020?
How has AA adapted to the online world since 2020?
How is your AA Group utilizing literature to carry the AA message at online meetings and events?
Sharing Session - Share changes and innovations since moving online with your AA Group, District, Area, and intergroup.
See the Survey Results
Presentation: How, in general, has your meeting handled AA literature? (pdf)
Responsibility Statement
I am responsible...
When anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help,
I want the hand of A.A. always to be there.
And for that: I am responsible.